Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Stop Smoking Help - How I Quit Smoking

Are you looking for some stop smoking help? Well in this article I will tell you the stop smoking methods I used to give up just recently. One of the main things I would like you to put into your mind is that no situation is hopeless and you can quit smoking for good...but only when you're truly ready.

Let me first tell you that I had been a smoker for 33 long years but had wanted to stop for the majority of those years once I learned how bad cigarette smoking de facto was for our health. Any way I completely enjoyed smoking too which made it very difficult to even exertion to quit.

Stop Smoking Quit

Other than health, I had other reasons to quit smoking, like my son and nephews and nieces who I was not being a very good example to, among others.

Believe me I know how much smoking and cigarettes preoccupy your mind when you are a smoker and you pretty much live from one cigarette to the next one right?! I have so much more time on my hands now that used to be spent smoking. I feel proud of this accomplishment and carefully to help others if I can.

My friends and family are all amazed that I have stuck with quitting for as long as I have and, as each day goes by, it becomes less of a thought in my mind. I believe that smoking is a bad habit, not an addiction and I have broken myself of this bad habit.

So how did I do it? I did not use any quit smoking product, believe it or not. I used a few simple steps actually. First of all I prayed about it and asked for help as I knew it would be a monumental task for me.

Then I decided to tell myself that quitting would be "easy" as opposed to what I used to tell myself all the time that it would be difficult and probably impossible for me to ever quit smoking.

Third I told myself to take it one day at a time and that if I ever felt such desperation that I had to have a cigarette they would always be available in the store and I could have one. I think this step helped a lot because whenever I had thought of quitting in the past I always had a fear that I would be dying for a cigarette and wouldn't have any. I'm sure I'm not alone in that fear.

It's been 10 weeks now since I quit and each day it gets easier and easier.

So that's the best stop smoking help that I can offer to you and it works as I've proven to myself. My sister-in-law once tried to quit and smoked in the middle of trying to quit so I told her to "Never quit quitting!" at least when it comes to smoking.

I hope my story inspires many to give my recipe a try but for those of you who feel you may need more stop smoking methods there are a multitude available so don't ever stop trying to quit smoking for good. Best of success to you in this quest.

Stop Smoking Help - How I Quit Smoking

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