Although acupuncture to quit smoking? Want to know more? Learn more about this ancient method used in this article.
Acupuncture has indeed many similarities with modern invention, the laser stop smoking, which is just a renamed version of the old technology.
Stop Smoking Quit
What happens during the process?
During treatment, you will find some needles in the ears, usually somewhere between 5 and 15 each for the preference of theirAcupuncturist.
What is the theory behind it?
The theory behind this is the ancient Chinese philosophy of energy or "chi" is based.
It is said that the meridians of the body other than where the energy travels, and controls the organs and processes in the body contains.
So, you must be at certain points on the ear, a reaction can be produced in the body or mind.
The result is that your cravings will disappear after the treatment of cigarette smoking and can only be completedaway without will power or desire.
Sounds great, does not it?
Does it work?
Although many acupuncturists argue with me, are the simple facts that it is not observed.
Sure, you can stop almost immediately, because you think you can. But in the next 6 months people will start again. Tract, consisting of up to one year and the number is even worse.
And if you do not believe, then you can refer to a studyCochrane Collaboration concluded that "the long-term outcome has no effect of acupuncture compared with sham acupuncture show" - a sham acupuncture, placebo-controlled group of people who have always believed the real acupuncture.
Acupuncture to quit smoking - does it work?
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