One of the ugly facts pushes a smoker if he / she decides to leave is that withdrawal symptoms. It is not a trivial matter. Withdrawal symptoms may occur in a smoker for months, even after the initial crisis is over. And, of course, this is the main reason people return to smoking. After trying hard for several months and with a strong desire throughout the process, come to the conclusion that it really impossible to stop.
But it is not impossible, it is onlytakes several months and all the help we receive. The worst part of withdrawal is that there is always the addictive narcotic its ugly head. And it's so easy to give in 'just once. "The following list can give you a heads up on what to expect when you start your new life without smoking.
Stop Smoking Quit
Quit smoke withdrawal symptoms:
Anxious feelings Restlessness Inability to sleep Dizziness Headache Fatigue Constipation Depression ConcentrationIssues Possible weight gain Anger Irritability Constant desire for tobacco
Many symptoms reach their peak within 48 hours to leave, even attention disorders, weight gain and desire for tobacco may last much longer. Usually after six months of ex-smoker begins to feel more comfortable in the skin on his / her own, even if sometimes it only takes 8 to 12 weeks to get to this level. Depends on the person, and how we are all different, it is difficult to predict in anyCase.
Nicotine is the ingredient that causes addiction. It is a stimulant, like cocaine, and is also poisonous. Many smokers believe that nicotine increases the power of the brain and helps them to relax. The body has a certain amount of this stimulant used them less and when you start to want more.
Other Quit Smoking withdrawal symptoms are:
Sweating Tingling in hands and feet Cramps and nausea Sore throats and colds, as the lungs begin after realizingInjuries years.
There are also psychological symptoms that occur when trying to quit smoking, and this can be very stressful for the aspiring quitters.
Mental Quit Smoking withdrawal symptoms:
You feel like a child with temper tantrums, dependency and the need for other children Insomnia Confusion, sometimes severe Vagueness of mind Irritability Fear Depression
Who wants to stay in this condition? No one enjoys, and it's a bad time for most. DecideHe wants to go out, take the first steps and continue to be a healthy and happy ex-smoker!
Stop smoking withdrawal symptoms
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