Sunday, July 31, 2011

Hypnosis Quit Smoking

Hypnosis Quit Smoking Tube. Duration : 9.65 Mins.

This will help Stop smoking or help make it so you never want to smoke, please subscribe, comment, and rate.

Keywords: smoking, hypnosis, sleep, quit, safe, secure, calm, health, healthy, nutrition, products, treatment, instructions, healing, diet, organic, tips, discussion, webcam, guide, howto, online, research, tutorial

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Great American Smokeout Hypnosis Marathon Live

Great American Smokeout Hypnosis Marathon Live Video Clips. Duration : 1.75 Mins. Live show 12 hours to make you stop smoking. Get hypnotized, feel great, make your brain forget about cigarettes, be a non-smoker for good.

Keywords: hypnosis, great, american, smokeout, quit, smoking, wendi, friesen

Friday, July 29, 2011

Help Quit Smoking Marijuana Pass a Drug Test & Get A Better Job

Help Quit Smoking Marijuana Pass a Drug Test & Get A Better Job Video Clips. Duration : 2.47 Mins.

Having trouble finding a good job beacause you can not pass a drug test? Do you always find yourself avoiding family, friends or your kids because you are high or would rather be getting high? Are you always broke because you spend all your money on pot? Maybe it is time that you Quit Smoking Marijuana and take your life back! No Matter if it is a new Career Opportunity, Family Reasons or Health Issues Maritox can help regardless of why it is your time to Quit! Maritox is the first and only all natural, non addictive Marijuana Withdrawal supplement that provides the necessary assistance to quit smoking marijuana when the time is right for you! Maritox's proprietary formula was designed by experts to assist the body through recovery and eliminate the Withdrawal Symptoms associated with the lack of THC your body is used to. Maritox will allow you to naturally detoxify and cleanse in a safe and effective manner with no more cravings, anxiety, irritability, loss of appetite or disrupted sleep patterns. Maritox will successfully help you Quit Smoking Marijuana Fast and From the Privacy of Your Own Home! Dont let others try and talk you out of quitting marijuana if you feel it is what you need to do. Maybe smoking marijuana is not controlling their life the way it is yours, or perhaps they just do not care enough about a better life to quit themselves, but YOU DO! Stop procrastinating and change your life forever by ordering Maritox Today!

Keywords: quit smoking marijuana, quit smoking weed, quit smoking pot, marijuana addiction, pass drug test, marijuana, job opportunities, stress relief, vitamins, natural medicine, herbal

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Anti Smoking Commercial for teenagers

Anti Smoking Commercial for teenagers Video Clips. Duration : 1.07 Mins. Directed & Edited By Gurchetan Singh

Keywords: Stop smoking, quit smoking, teen smoking, anti smoking, anti smoking advert, don't follow the crowd, think for yourself, psa advert, anti smoking commercial

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Who wants to go back to smoking?

Who wants to go back to smoking? Video Clips. Duration : 7.10 Mins.

Who wants to go back to smoking?

Tags:, quit, smoking, stop, cold, turkey, nicotine, health

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

2 Plymptoons

2 Plymptoons Video Clips. Duration : 1.80 Mins.

A cut from 2 Animated Shorts from Bill Plympton. "25 Ways To Quit Smoking" "How To Kiss" I found this little mpeg video in an old driver CD. More from the artist can be found from here:

Keywords: Bill, Plympton, Plymptoons, how, to, French, kiss, 25, ways, quit, smoking, animation, art

Monday, July 25, 2011

Stop Smoking Medication - information to help you quit smoking

Chantix - Smoking Drugs

Smoking is a habit common among adults. But why do you smoke? There are many reasons that smokers can call in defense of this chronic habit. Some smoke because adults are difficult to stop smoking because of the strong dependence on nicotine in cigarettes to find the stop included. Some can only imitate the smoke, their favorite actors smoke on screen. Children can also smoke out of curiosity.

Stop Smoking Quit

The smoking habit can giveserious health risks to smokers. According to the World Health Organization, tobacco is the leading cause of preventable death and disease in adults around the world. So before puffing a cigarette, you should be aware of the effects of consistent non-smokers, which may also prove fatal.

What are the side effects of smoking?

The effects of smoking are uncomfortable and very visible in smokers. It can affect their sense of smell and taste. Smoking can also affect the skin, hair,and increase mood swings. Changes in taste buds to deprive smokers of the taste of food.

Adults who smoke are more likely to have heart disease, lung disease, stroke and heart attack. This habit can lead to lung cancer of the throat, and mouth. Smoking can also lead to poor blood circulation in the body, as it narrows the veins of the hands and feet.

While active smoking has some serious side effects, secondhand smoke is just as serious. It can cause various types of healthProblems in adults who smoke do not really.

Smoking among women is common today. This habit can have serious effects on pregnant women. This can affect the fetus, the risk of the disease may develop after birth. Regular smoking can also cause menstrual pain in women.

Effective anti-tobacco provides help for smokers

After reading about the serious side effects of smoking, a smoker is looking for an effective anti-smoking aid, since it is difficultto stop this habit for anyone on the strength of his will. A drug has become very popular and is widely considered to be better than other smoking cessation drugs. It 'manufactured by Pfizer under the brand name Chantix. In Britain and other European countries is known as Champix.

What are the ingredients of Chantix?

The main ingredient in Chantix is ​​varenicline tartrate to reduce nicotine cravings and withdrawal symptoms in smokers after working wellSmoke. While the normal course of treatment recommended for 12 weeks, a smoker feels less desire to smoke and to quit completely.

There are traces of nicotine ingredients drug Chantix. It affects the nicotine receptors, without any dose of nicotine. This is the main reason for the popularity and effectiveness of this drug to quit smoking.

What are the side effects of Champix?

The smoking cessation drug, some common side effects and undesirableEffects. The most common side effects of Champix is ​​nausea, constipation, gas, abnormal dreams, and vomiting. Among the side effects, some adults report mood swings and even suicidal thoughts. If these effects appear to you after the medication Chantix, then you better stop and consult a doctor.

While there are some side effects, the drug has been shown to be an effective aid for smokers who want to quit smoking.

Stop Smoking Medication - information to help you quit smoking

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Roy Masters: Quit Smoking

Roy Masters: Quit Smoking Tube. Duration : 5.40 Mins.

The Foundation of Human Understanding teaches an observation exercise, often called meditation, which permits you to become objective toward your problems and allows your heartaches, bad habits, fears, anxieties to be completely eliminated from your life without effort on your part. Until you have begun to practice this exercise, much of what you see and hear on the following program may be shocking and upsetting to you. But if you will listen calmly and with an open mind, you may discover the key to the peace of mind and joy for which you've been searching all of your life.

Keywords: roy, masters, advice, line, foundation, of, human, understanding, quit, smoking, stop, be, still, and, know, meditation

Saturday, July 23, 2011

How To Quit Smoking (Health Guru)

How To Quit Smoking (Health Guru) Video Clips. Duration : 3.43 Mins.

So you've made the decision to quit smoking. GREAT! Here's a plan to help you along. For more info, visit

Tags: quit, smoking, addiction, nicotine, cigarette, hypnosis, withdrawal, trigger, smoke, quitting, beer, doctor, diet, health, fitness, medicine, advice, community, guru, video

Friday, July 22, 2011

The Stop Smoking Weed Quiz

This article will help you determine if you should stop smoking pot when a few simple questions. It will also show you where the type of help, a miracle for me and others who want to have to learn to stop smoking marijuana.

Remember, even honest to themselves when they answer ...

Stop Smoking Quit

How addicted to pot a long way to stay is safe. The dependence on this so-called "fun stuff" could lead to many social, spiritual and external that may annoy her supporters all dayhis life! Contemporary, modern gem is actually much more exciting and more powerful than it used to be historical.

Decades ago it was considered mild or recreational drugs. With this type of components of dependence, this is no longer possible to consider a matter of light. So why so many of us stop to smoke pot.

The strength of the shoot is art so powerful, many people suffer from severe hunger burning this stuff, unless these people to go without it. E 'these two warning signs that men and women continue to keep smoking marijuana for a much longer time.

Because their habit can be so strong, despite the fact that they know that they should stop smoking pot and do whatever needs to kick this addiction.

If you think you might be enslaved to the plate, then frankly address of our next issues.

Just as you are Addicted to Weed Quiz - If you stop smoking pot?

I advise you to respond"Yes" or "no" to the next questions.

a. Your current habits on the journey of your life affect your current social work, and has had negative effects on their parents? Have you stopped wearing the things you used to like to do or cured, only to smoking pot?

b. Do you have an increase in the amount of smoke grass? (Example: instead of smoking is only a shell, find your own smoking more than a single municipality or for a longer timeFrame?)

c. If you do not smoke or get a hold of you begin to birth anxious or depressed? Have you ever substituted another drug instead of a pot because you could not get any?

d. You can smoke pot a lot more than you did at the beginning? When you smoke, you have much more to experience the same effects?

e. Do you often hum always thinking about getting stoned to smoke, or looking for some money to get high?

If you answer yes to allthese queries, it is very likely that you hooked on marijuana. What do you do now is up to you! If you know you should stop smoking pot and marijuana are free, then you know the best way to stop burning for you. There are many different methods could give up work when your addiction to this drug.

The only thing I can recommend wholeheartedly is exactly what has worked effectively for me when I needed to stop smoking pot.

This guy has a JamesBlogs about the same easy to leave marijuana audio program that has helped me to smoke weed. If you are interested, check it out by clicking on the link below. It tells of how he also helped when he was left with a difficult period marijuana.

ps If you're planning to stop smoking marijuana, with a strong support group of best friends and family and a society of 'stop smoking pot program "can dramatically improve the likelihood of marijuana withdrawal. Note thatnot only the implementation of this simple for you, because you need to recover, but also because the achievement of the best for your friends and family! I wish you good luck ... Microphone

The Stop Smoking Weed Quiz

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Melanie will weg von der Kippe (Melanie wants to quit smoking) - 4

Melanie will weg von der Kippe (Melanie wants to quit smoking) - 4 Video Clips. Duration : 1.93 Mins.

A 14 yr. old girl tries to stop smoking cigarettes. A film about her struggle with the addiction and habit. Für Melanie (14) beginnt jeder Tag mit einer Zigarette. Im Laufe der letzten Monate ist das bei ihr zur Gewohnheit geworden. Erst nachdem sie eine geraucht hat, wird sie richtig munter und kann in den Tag starten. Doch das soll jetzt anders werden. 4. Teil (Part 4)

Keywords: cigarette, zigarette, rauchen, smoking, smoker, marlboro, quit, raucher, kippe, qualmen

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Last Cigarette

Last Cigarette Tube. Duration : 7.48 Mins.

This is it. This is my last cigarette. Smoking is a terrible thing. Expensive, nasty, stinky. Besides all that I don't want to be a slave to the Big Tobacco Corporations any longer! I am taking my life and lungs back! YAY! September 6, 2008: Update. I lasted until about March or April, then started smoking again. Then, on March 17th of 2008, I quit again. I am still not smoking. It is one of the most difficult drugs to ever quit. If you don't smoke, don't start. That way you will never have to quit. I hope I can stay quit this time around. I could not breathe in March. Breathing is essential to living. So...I had to quit.

Tags: zipster08, daligoddess2006, quit, smoking, bad, drugs, addiction

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Stop Smoking Weed - Tips to Quit Marijuana

Many people have decided they want to stop marijuana does not know where to begin. This article describes some simple steps to leave marijuana makes you trip can be started. Take the first step and set a quit date, then write it!

Set a date to Quit Smoking Weed.

Stop Smoking Quit

The purpose of setting a calm day, you, you can be mentally and physically prepared to stop smoking marijuana. The end date must be a specific date. It should not be, when your stash runsfrom, or about one week before classes the next semester or next month. It 'important to nail down the date. In my personal experience, when I learned that I had an appointment to stop assuming that I smoke my hiding place as quickly as possible. I did it because I am convinced that each bag is my bag. If my bag out, I would buy another and they smoke just as guide to convince me that is the baggage. Sound familiar? I recommend you set the quitDate within one month after the current date. If you wait longer, you are less likely to follow to your destination. It 'a great idea to end the date right before a holiday starts, or set other important events. Quit Marijuana is a change of lifestyle. Therefore, if you switch to a different lifestyle, you are more likely to succeed.

Do you understand your addiction.

Addiction to marijuana is a controversial issue because people do not distinguish between physical dependence and differentiationpsychological dependence. While marijuana physical withdrawal symptoms such as cigarettes, is the psychological aspect of addiction, but to fight with the most users. Long-term marijuana smokers have the habit of smoking marijuana every day and are used in a stoned way of thinking. Even if you do not have a physical need of marijuana, you have a spiritual need, unpack. This is the hardest part. It's not that the dependence of marijuana, is that your mental addictiontoo high. The more we smoke more, the more the brain gets used to be high, and we want more than what state of mind. It 'is conveyed through a spiritual battle, if you stop smoking marijuana. You must prepare for battle.

Get rid of equipment

Marijuana smokers have a lot of great gadgets. You can pass all the supplies to your friends, or if you want to throw away or break them as a symbol of your desire to stop smoking marijuana. Whatever you do, clean environment, so thatthere is no trace of marijuana or cannabis-related equipment. Desire is easier to resist when there's nothing in front of you. People have some strange things to stone, including resin tube, the review of the conditions for weed crumbs and roaches and even digging in the garbage, threw the remains found. I admit that I have done all these things in the past.

Be ready for collection.

Marijuana is not ready for pickupThe number one reason that people fail to quit smoking. If you have set a quit date, it is also possible before the game, because you know when you go through withdrawal, and you will be prepared. Fear is very common in the early stages of withdrawal. For example, it is probably a time when you just finished pot and have made plans to get more, but it did not work. I am nervous and on edge until they can secure a new offer, or at least get stoned. Multiply this10 times, you have an idea of ​​what the fear is as if they were willing to leave forever. Insomnia and anorexia are also leaving in the first week together. Do your research on what is to be withdrawn so that they are mentally prepared to do if these problems occur after you quit smoking marijuana.

Stop Smoking Weed - Tips to Quit Marijuana

Monday, July 18, 2011

Side effects of quitting smoking - why quit smoking

Side effects of quitting smoking - why quit smoking Video Clips. Duration : 3.63 Mins. tips to quit smoking, quit smoking treatment, quit smoking shot, best way to quit smoking, help quitting smoking, how to quit smoking cigarettes, quit smoking cessation, quit smoking tobacco, quit smoking statistics, health quit smoking, quit smoking...

Tags: quit smoking for good, methods to quit smoking, quit smoking helpline, steps to quit smoking, quit smoking side effects, quit smoking withdrawal, quit smoking stop, quit smoking aids, quit smoking cravings, quit smoking cough, quit smoking nicotine, i want to quit smoking

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Beginners E-Cigarette Cheapest and How to Get Started Vaping

Beginners E-Cigarette Cheapest and How to Get Started Vaping Tube. Duration : 12.03 Mins.

Some friends asked me to recommend the best e-cigarette for the cheapest money for a good enough vaping experience for them to see if they could do this in order to stop smoking. Here's the best I've found so far, the Madvapes Disposable E-Cig 510. In this video, I show how I arrived at this conclusion, the un-boxing, how it vapes, and how to get started using it, since this e-cig does not come with any instructions. Please stop smoking, however you can do it, for yourself, your family, others who love you, and your wallet. music by Kevin MacLeod - Thank you Kevin for your free royalty-free music Filmed with a Kodak Zi8 Edited in Windows 7 with Windows Live Movie Maker

Tags: e-cigarette, e-cig, personal vaporizer, PV, vape, vaping, vapor, vaper, madvapes, disposable, 510, atomizer, atomiser, beginners, beginner's, cheapest, best, joyetech, ego, awesomevapor, awesome vapor, totally wicked, totallywicked, tornado, cartomizer, cartomiser, atty, newbie, noobie, getting started, howto, how-to, smoking cessation, quit smoking, quitting smoking, stop smoking, nicorette, nicotine, nicotine patch, kodak, zi8, windows live movie maker, wlmm, kevin macleod, steeljan

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Stop Smoking during pregnancy - stop smoking during pregnancy Made Easy

You're a pregnant woman who are still smoking? Want to quit smoking during pregnancy? Congratulations, you're doing the best thing you can do to protect the health of your child. Make no mistake, the smoke can be devastating for your baby during pregnancy and after childbirth. But are you ready to quit smoking during pregnancy, so good for you!

First of all, do not beat him to quit smoking during pregnancy. You're not a bad person, it's just a badHabit. And just because you read this article shows that you want to do the right thing for your child. So let's see what we can do to stop an end to smoking once and for all together and begin your journey to a smoke-free pregnancy.

Stop Smoking Quit

Pregnant women who decide to quit smoking, compared with a series of decisions to quit smoking. But as a pregnant woman has to choose a method to quit smoking that suits your needs. What are your needs? Well, you must ensure that yourChild is safe, to ensure that quitting smoking with a method that you want to select:
Totally Natural: You want to make sure to avoid chemicals or substances that may harm the baby. Great success: Do not have time to several attempts to try smoking. Act fast: Time is of the essence, the first stop smoking during pregnancy reduces the risk of putting on your child.

So there is a possibility that smoking, which meets all these criteria to stop? YesThere are, but let's look at different ways to quit smoking that you as a pregnant woman should avoid like the plague, anyway.

First, do not try to quit smoking "cold turkey". Offers an attempt to help without leaving you with a very low chance of success. Next, eliminate the smoking cessation drug simply because it is safe during pregnancy. Finally, remember to nicotine replacement therapies such as patches. They work by replacing the nicotine from cigarettes andYou want to avoid nicotine during pregnancy. Sun avoid these ways to quit smoking during pregnancy.

Now that we have ruled the sure way to quit smoking, what is left? We seem to have everything taken from the pot. But we have not stopped smoking, there is a technique that we left, and meets all the criteria we listed above. What is it?

Hypnotherapy, NLP-based hypnosis in particular. NLP stands for Neuro Linguistic Programming. And it is the bestWay for future mothers, the smoking habit. Meets all the criteria required to fulfill: as a sort of hypnosis fits the criteria of being free of chemicals, is very effective and has a high success rate, and it works fast. It also has the advantage of being very easy to use, you do not need to see a professional to give up smoking during pregnancy with the GNP. GNP with everything you need to make a recording specifically programmed feel to quit smoking.

Stop Smoking during pregnancy - stop smoking during pregnancy Made Easy

Friday, July 15, 2011

AMI-Quit Doc Stop Smoking Clinic™

AMI-Quit Doc Stop Smoking Clinic™ Tube. Duration : 5.58 Mins.

How the AMI Stop Smoking Clinic SMART™ Shot helps smokers become ex-smokers. Call 1-866 355 QUIT for more information or see your own Doctor or health professional. Visit for more information. The AMI Smoking Clinic offers their Stop Smoking Clinic at locations throughout Florida. Contact us for more information.

Keywords: Smoking, Cessation

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Worlds Most Powerful Commercial - Smoking

The Worlds Most Powerful Commercial - Smoking Tube. Duration : 1.53 Mins. A short advert telling people to kick their habit

Tags: quit, smoking, heart, cancer, advert, lung, animation, message, short, cigar, cigarette, stop, health

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Prayer to Quit Smoking Cigarettes

Prayer to Quit Smoking Cigarettes Tube. Duration : 9.38 Mins.

Prayer to Quit Smoking Cigarettes. Many times in life you have tried everything and when everything fails. Try prayer.

Tags: Prayer, to, Quit, Smoking, Cigarettes, Christian, Jesus, Christ, Calvary, chapel, baptist, pentecostal, amen, Lord, Love, scripture, heaven, glory, angel, church, God, gospel, worship, praise, religion, Holy, spiritual, righteous, bible, saint, ministry, preach

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Best way to quit smoking

There is no single best way demonstrated to quit smoking. The fact is that every smoker should be a good reason to stop and be strong and serious enough to achieve this goal.

The lack of a better way to quit smoking does not mean that there are many opportunities to stop and help. People have one of the "tricks" described below to stop their best way to quit smoking. Read what they say:

Stop Smoking Quit

Julie, 25. "I'm 25 and have smoked since I was 16 years until last yearif I stopped. It all started as a game, but one day I realized that I had a number of cigars smoked per day, I climbed up to a package. This somehow made me afraid and I decided to quit. It was not easy so I thought, what is the best way for me? I came up with a list of all the reasons why I should quit smoking. As you can imagine, the list was long and scary. Whenever I get a cigar in his death I was reading the list. This turned into the best way to quit smoking for me. "

John,47: "I am an ex-smoker for 2 years, 3 months and 3 weeks, I smoked all my rational life, the best way to quit smoking was for me, certain medications, the use of nicotine dependence I I helped to win .. ".

Joshua, 32. "I quit smoking three months ago and I still have my moments of despair, when my spirit is crying for a cigar The support that I visit my friends and ex-smokers discussion group that you will not get and what I helps to deal with it.The best way to quit smoking and stopped for me so much support from other people in my situation as much as possible "

Nicole, 39: "The best way to quit smoking for my attitude has changed everything I've tried several times unsuccessfully, the last time I had with the smoke, I sat down and stop making a realistic assessment of what I decided it will cost ... I realized that if I stop I want all my routines, the change was added to stop smoking. This has been helped not only me, let theseback dangerous habit, but I was really much better, more interesting and healthy life "

Elena, 45: "To quit smoking have a non-standard way - acupuncture and yoga, as I interested in these things all my life, I decided that this should stop the best way for me to quit smoking.".

Best way to quit smoking

Monday, July 11, 2011

Laura Bush Smoking - Did you really quit?

Laura Bush is still smoking? Or has already stopped? In view of conflicting reports, no one really knows if the former first lady is to stop smoking.

Married to George W. Bush in 1997, Laura Lane Welch Bush was born in November 1946 to fourth place. And 'considered one of the most popular first ladies, she was beside her husband in January 2001 to January 2009.

Stop Smoking Quit

During his tenure as first lady, has expanded to include interests in her heart as literacy, education and womenHealth. She has been actively involved with The Heart Truth ambassadors. Heart Truth is a campaign to raise awareness about heart disease and stroke in women.

Your heart is involved in the Truth that has brought to the forefront of smoking. Smoking is risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Nicotine, an ingredient in cigarettes and tobacco products, has reduced the ability of blood vessels. Most of the speeches by Laura Bush spoke about the role of smoking in heartDisease and stroke.

Some people thought that if they are still smoking, is not credible to be an ambassador.

Laura Bush said it has stopped. But the relationships that otherwise even surface. Personally, I do not believe that their smoking habit should be the most important point to be here. The most important thing is that the Heart Truth ambassadors, spreading from the fact that smoking die from heart disease and stroke. It makes more people aware of the fact that heart diseaseis the number one killer of American women today.

Through his personal experience, Laura Bush knows that smoking is very difficult. So the secret for them to quit smoking is not able to start. Do not start the habit. Because once you start, you're already giving away your life. Stop Smoking Now!

Laura Bush Smoking - Did you really quit?

Sunday, July 10, 2011

"Passive smoking, smoking and women, smoking helps to lose weight" Sajeela addresses

"Passive smoking, smoking and women, smoking helps to lose weight" Sajeela addresses Tube. Duration : 8.92 Mins.

"What is passive smoking and its effects, should a pregnant women quit smoking for good, does smoking reduces weight, how do we quit smoking", these and more questions were addressed by Dr Sajeela Maini on NDTV. Dr Sajeela Maini is a leading Smoking Cessation Specialist with Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi . She is very effective in helping people quit smoking. She is online at, and

Keywords: passive smoking, smoking and women, sir ganga ram hospital, new delhi, India, stop smoking, quit smoking, how to quit smoking, cigarettes, sajeela maini,

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Health: Now, an Update on Those New Year's Resolutions

Health: Now, an Update on Those New Year's Resolutions Video Clips. Duration : 3.93 Mins.

This is the VOA Special English Health Report, from People who stop smoking often replace cigarettes with food. A new study says the weight they gain may increase their diabetes risk in the short term. Type two diabetes is common in people who eat too much and exercise too little and those with a family history of it. Smoking is another risk factor. But quitting smoking may carry a temporary risk. The study found that smokers who quit had a seventy percent increased risk of developing diabetes in the first six years. That was compared to those who had never smoked. The risks were highest in the first three years. And the risk returned to normal after ten years of not smoking. The researchers say weight gain is probably to blame for the increase. But they say smokers should stop anyway -- and the real message is not to even start. Type two diabetes interferes with the body's use of insulin. The substance produced by the pancreas normally lowers blood sugar during and after eating. Over time, high blood sugar can lead to blindness, kidney failure, heart disease and nerve damage. The study is from the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. It appears in the Annals of Internal Medicine. Another American study says obesity has become as great a threat to quality of life as smoking. It compared losses in what are called "quality-adjusted life years." The study found that losses from obesity are now equal to, if not greater than, those from smoking ...

Keywords: captioned, subtitled, videos, voa, learning, special, english, report, development, agriculture, food, farming, gardening, health, medicine, higher, education, international, students, elementary, secondary, tertiary, university, college, economics, finance, american, business, communication, culture, download, history, foreign, controlled, language, learn, mp3, music, news, plain, radio, simple, speech, linguistics, teach, teacher, esl, efl, teaching, texts, transcripts, TV, us, united, states, voice, of, america

Friday, July 8, 2011

New Program to Help Pregnant Women Quit Smoking

New Program to Help Pregnant Women Quit Smoking Video Clips. Duration : 2.10 Mins.

A new government funded program is aimed at helping pregnant Colorado women quit tobacco for the benefit of their babies. Dr. Heather LaChance spoke with CBS4's Kathy Walsh about the program. National Jewish Health operates the Colorado Quitline for the state.

Tags: smoking, pregancy, National, Jewish, Health

Thursday, July 7, 2011

FreshStartMethod - Stop Smoking in One Hour, Guaranteed

FreshStartMethod - Stop Smoking in One Hour, Guaranteed Video Clips. Duration : 0.95 Mins.

Visit our website now FreshStart is the Online Stop Smoking Solution - guaranteed to stop you smoking after one hour stop smoking, quit smoking, healthy living, hypnotherapy, Fresh Start method, FreshStart, non-smoker,

Tags: stop smoking, quit smoking, healthy living, hypnotherapy, Fresh Start method, freshstart, non-smoker

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Stop Smoking Hypnosis

Stop Smoking Hypnosis Video Clips. Duration : 1.37 Mins. Stop smoking with our breakthrough quit smoking hypnosis. Our locations New York, NY, NYC, Florida, FL, Orlando, Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Tampa, Houston, Texas, Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, Las Vegas. Forever Smokefree is today's most trusted and renowned...

Keywords: hypnosis, smoking, stop, quit, quitting, cessation, seminar, new, york, ny, nyc, florida, fl, orlando, miami, fort, lauderdale, tampa, houston, texas, los, angeles, san, francisco, diego, las, vegas, hypnotherapy, hypnotist, video, forever, smokefree, smoke, free

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

13 Reasons To Quit Smoking Now... Today Is The Day

13 Reasons To Quit Smoking Now... Today Is The Day Tube. Duration : 5.72 Mins. Addiction to cigarettes and the nicotine they contain has caused more death and despair than any other single thing in the last 100 years.

Tags: Quit, Smoking, stop, cigarettes, nicotine, tobacco, addiction

Monday, July 4, 2011

Quit smoking with Zyban (Bupropion) - Smoking Cessation

Quit smoking with Zyban (Bupropion) - Smoking Cessation Video Clips. Duration : 2.98 Mins. Zyban and Wellbutrin are generic Bupropion and while Wellbutrin is used as an anti depressant, Zyban is used to help people give up smoking.

Keywords: Bupropion, hcl, Zyban, Wellbutrin, XL, SR, Smoking, Giving, up, Cigarettes, Impotence, Nicotine, Patches

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Quit smoking methods

There are many, many ways to quit smoking is available to download via many means, including, books, videos, CDs, workshops, consultants, and on the Internet. Among the many methods are smoking, there is often a lot of very angry with the more reasonable approaches.

My take on smoking after many months of research came so many ways to quit smoking as I could. I came to the realization that over time the most important method to quit smoking wassolely from me. The answer is not in a pill or a potion or a laser. The answer to the question of how to stop smoking comes from within. And 'the right attitude.

Stop Smoking Quit

Let's look at current methods to stop smoking, smokers successfully several times before and always to fight smoke-free forever.

Cold Turkey or will power. This is the most obvious way to quit smoking. Get one day and say "No" to cigarettes. Sometimes people take a little 'more thanthis method and complete and detailed diaries triggers to smoke when and how they identify. Only one in 20 people who try to stop using this method is successful. Or, put another way, if you try 20 times, you could really do it!

Nicotine Replacement Therapy or NRT. This is the ', rubber patches, MicroTab, lozenges, inhaler or nasal spray method to help you quit smoking. And 'much vaunted by the pharmaceutical industry as a way to stop smoking. It has a success rate of 10% - 1 out of 10Stop smoking. It is often overlooked, however, that while one in 10 quit smoking, do not overcome their addiction to nicotine - which is why smokers smoked in the first place.

If you remain addicted to nicotine, then you are always at risk of falling into the spiral of despair that smoking cigarettes and shippers will start in a tomb.

I am 100% against smoking with NRT. It makes no sense to deal with nicotine addiction. If you want toRead more my opinion on this topic, see my blog at: Scam nicotine therapy

Zyban is another of the many ways to quit smoking. The drug is also known as Wellbutrin or bupropion, and does not know exactly how it seems with a smoking interferes with the chemistry of the brain and put them to smoke. Legend has it that the cessation of smoking Zyban factor was only during the studies, side effects of Wellbutrin, to see the Anti-Depression version of the drug.

Zyban offer about the sameEffectiveness as a method to quit smoking than NRT, but this can be improved by 50% or so, if Zyban and NRT are used together. However, the use of these drugs is also goes hand in hand with some form of counseling to motivate smokers to quit.

The new "wonder drug" with the market or Chantix is ​​Varenicline (Champix in the UK). It has been reported to be able to wean up to 44% of cigarette smokers. Again, as Zyban is not known exactly how it works, but is likely to interfere with thesmoker's brain chemistry.

Both Zyban and Chantix, as are the methods of smoking cessation, with risks. Zyban is known to cause seizures in some patients, varenicline, and causes nausea in 30% of patients. Both drugs have a course of counseling in addition to the drug to be effective.

Hypnosis is another well-known method to quit smoking. I understand (though not, I am a big fan of hypnosis), which is much better, achieving more successpreviously mentioned methods. Methods of smoking cessation that are available, hypnosis is very relaxing and does not include drugs that can not be a bad thing.

Another method to quit smoking, the use of cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT. You can literally "think" and as therapy "behavior" can be translated. The way people think and how to behave when they are examined to consider the nature and the way it reacts to your thoughts, feelings, and environmental changes. CBT uses neither drugs norYour subconscious mind.

The crux of the matter is that most people do not "control" of their lives, but only react to their emotions and feelings. If you feel depressed, you can eat comfort, for example. Who do not eat because you're hungry, eat, take your mind off to something else.

CBT with successful treatment can help prevent people from smoking to be permanent. From the people that I followed my own course is that CBT be used, people who are successful (and thatvast majority do not) just quit smoking but in reality we know that they do not smoke again, and this is because they have a different attitude towards smoking, the use of CBT.

Quitting smoking is a tremendous achievement for any smoker to stop, and a celebration of what method is used to smoke, it should be. Quit smoking and I know that will never again smoke can be obtained only by changing your mental attitude to smoking, either through counseling, hypnosisor CBT.

As always the most important method to quit smoking, try to stop, never stop.

Quit smoking methods

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Stop Smoking Drugs Doing a job? Quit smoking methods can show the work for you

The success rate of quitting is not so impressive, and those who quit smoking before a drug is less successful. The quitting of the property is not an easy task. It requires determination and the actual capacity, a strong desire to overcome in order to satisfy your addiction. There are strategies to minimize withdrawal symptoms and to facilitate the achievement of your goal, but with a drug to stop smoking is not one of them.

In the short term, smoking cessation drugs to minimize the desire toFeed your addiction, but in a period of 6 months or more, the ability to light a smoke than if you stop cold turkey. In fact, no replacement supplement, drug or nicotine treatment is most effective in the long term as quitting cold turkey. And 'statistically the best method to quit smoking for good.

Stop Smoking Quit

Quit cold turkey is one of the most difficult way to get out. This is a "no pain, no gain" strategy, but when you get through the symptoms of withdrawal,It may be a non-smoker for the rest of your life. With a drug to stop smoking, however, is an expensive alternative that can help a good chance of not having to actually achieve your goals. If you are serious about kick the habit of good are natural methods are the way to go.

While traditionally leave integrates the use of aids or medication may be a little 'stressful and inconvenient, there are many things you can do to make the process a piece of cake. Bywith natural ways to keep busy, stress, eating right and natural to convince you, because you never want to smoke, quitting cold turkey can be a pain without the attitude.

For those who have tried unsuccessfully to quit smoking in the past, and consider a drug to stop smoking, there are better alternatives that do not cost money and you will reach your goal. Natural remedies are not required, or hypnotizedarcane methods, but with the right plan in place, you can use the new destination easy and painless.

Stop Smoking Drugs Doing a job? Quit smoking methods can show the work for you

Friday, July 1, 2011


BUTT KICKING BREATH TO QUIT SMOKING! Video Clips. Duration : 3.30 Mins.

Learn a breath that can help you quit smoking, made for Huffington Post & to help encourage President Obama to stop bumming smokes! Great for everyone. Also see the Double Down Breath Video for the same technique! From Sadie Nardini, founder of Core Strength Vinyasa Yoga! For more tips or to sign up for Sadie's free monthly "Core Strength" Newsletter with free yoga tips, videos, living from center ideas and more, go to

Keywords: smoking, Obama, President, Barack, anxiety, calm, moods, relaxation, focus, quit, quitting, cigarettes, withdrawal, meditation, panic, stress, release, relief, huffington, post, sadie, nardini