Monday, September 12, 2011

Stop smoking now

Want to be the 50,000 people killed each year due to various diseases caused by smoking? Would you like to live in a very inferior quality, if you are destined to a longer, richer and live a fulfilling life? Or do you want your family and your colleagues of these diseases caused by passive smoking, because they affected? Well, if you do not find any of the above circumstances must be beneficial to stop smoking.

Here aresome complaints that may be on the way, if you do not stop smoking now:

Stop Smoking Quit

Several types of cancer of the mouth and other organs of the respiratory tract. Bad breath odor. Reduced to life. Impotence. Constipation, gas and hair loss.

Other than that, someone would be attractive if you have discolored teeth and lips after smoking for a long time? If you do not want problems like this, you must stop smoking.

Here are some interesting facts, such asCleanse your body after you stop the deadly habit of smoking:

Half of nicotine in your body drain in 12 hours.
Content of carbon monoxide in the blood will drop dramatically in 24 hours.
If you stop smoking now, your body will get rid of nicotine completely within five days, and you will be able to smell and taste much better than before.
Blood pressure levels are normal and the immune system backStart works much better.
The odds of developing cancer by more than 50% is reduced.

Besides all these advantages, if you stop smoking now, would not need to spend thousands of dollars to treat all the causes of these diseases caused by smoking.

Stop smoking now

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