Sunday, September 4, 2011

After you stop smoking - What you can expect

After quitting smoking, there are a number of physical and neurological symptoms that your body goes through. Many of those who can obviously do things a little 'uncomfortable and hard to resist satisfy your cravings for nicotine. Here's what to expect after you quit smoking.

Plan for the symptoms continued for about 8 to 12 weeks after they stop smoking before you start to really think and feel as an ex-smoker. Normal conditions you can expect to experience are nausea,Headache, thirst, and a short temper that your body actually often mistaken for hunger. These symptoms will dissipate in about 48 hours after the last top of the cloud of smoke, and time. Some side effects may linger longer than 6 months, but usually is not near the level that you see immediately after smoking cessation.

Stop Smoking Quit

Almost immediately after the last cigarette your blood pressure begins to drop, you hear your slow, announcement of the hands and feet may begin to feelwarmer. As a result, you may start to sweat more and can also feel slight tingling in hands and feet as well.

After about 8 hours after your last cigarette, carbon monoxide levels are normal in the blood and oxygen through the blood flows back to a stable level.

If you have passed the 48 hour mark, it begins to heal your nerve endings in the lungs and in fact play, and make your senses as your ability to taste and smell improves lifeenormous. As the lungs begin to repair itself, some cold-like symptoms. The throat may be increased, cough and maybe some heavy mucus or other respiratory diseases. This is normal.

Withdrawal symptoms can include restlessness or insomnia, a strike, in a state of confusion, irritability, short temper, anxiety and irritability. Studies show that people tend to go through a phase of depression and may have extreme moodSwings, when they stopped smoking and suffer from nicotine withdrawal as well.

It 'important to understand what happens after you stop smoking, date of order to plan accordingly. It may be possible through knowledge of the symptoms, you can also prepare yourself mentally for a tough road. If you expect the worst, you'll be pleasantly surprised and easier to reach your goal.

After you stop smoking - What you can expect

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