Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Best way to quit smoking

There is no single best way demonstrated to quit smoking. The fact is that every smoker should be a good reason to stop and be strong and serious enough to achieve this goal.

The lack of a better way to quit smoking does not mean that there are many opportunities to stop and help. People have one of the "tricks" described below to stop their best way to quit smoking. Read what they say:

Stop Smoking Quit

Julie, 25. "I'm 25 and have smoked since I was 16 years until last yearif I stopped. It all started as a game, but one day I realized that I had a number of cigars smoked per day, I climbed up to a package. This somehow made me afraid and I decided to quit. It was not easy so I thought, what is the best way for me? I came up with a list of all the reasons why I should quit smoking. As you can imagine, the list was long and scary. Whenever I get a cigar in his death I was reading the list. This turned into the best way to quit smoking for me. "

John,47: "I am an ex-smoker for 2 years, 3 months and 3 weeks, I smoked all my rational life, the best way to quit smoking was for me, certain medications, the use of nicotine dependence I I helped to win .. ".

Joshua, 32. "I quit smoking three months ago and I still have my moments of despair, when my spirit is crying for a cigar The support that I visit my friends and ex-smokers discussion group that you will not get and what I helps to deal with it.The best way to quit smoking and stopped for me so much support from other people in my situation as much as possible "

Nicole, 39: "The best way to quit smoking for my attitude has changed everything I've tried several times unsuccessfully, the last time I had with the smoke, I sat down and stop making a realistic assessment of what I decided it will cost ... I realized that if I stop I want all my routines, the change was added to stop smoking. This has been helped not only me, let theseback dangerous habit, but I was really much better, more interesting and healthy life "

Elena, 45: "To quit smoking have a non-standard way - acupuncture and yoga, as I interested in these things all my life, I decided that this should stop the best way for me to quit smoking.".

Best way to quit smoking

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