Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Stop Smoking Weed - Tips to Quit Marijuana

Many people have decided they want to stop marijuana does not know where to begin. This article describes some simple steps to leave marijuana makes you trip can be started. Take the first step and set a quit date, then write it!

Set a date to Quit Smoking Weed.

Stop Smoking Quit

The purpose of setting a calm day, you, you can be mentally and physically prepared to stop smoking marijuana. The end date must be a specific date. It should not be, when your stash runsfrom, or about one week before classes the next semester or next month. It 'important to nail down the date. In my personal experience, when I learned that I had an appointment to stop assuming that I smoke my hiding place as quickly as possible. I did it because I am convinced that each bag is my bag. If my bag out, I would buy another and they smoke just as guide to convince me that is the baggage. Sound familiar? I recommend you set the quitDate within one month after the current date. If you wait longer, you are less likely to follow to your destination. It 'a great idea to end the date right before a holiday starts, or set other important events. Quit Marijuana is a change of lifestyle. Therefore, if you switch to a different lifestyle, you are more likely to succeed.

Do you understand your addiction.

Addiction to marijuana is a controversial issue because people do not distinguish between physical dependence and differentiationpsychological dependence. While marijuana physical withdrawal symptoms such as cigarettes, is the psychological aspect of addiction, but to fight with the most users. Long-term marijuana smokers have the habit of smoking marijuana every day and are used in a stoned way of thinking. Even if you do not have a physical need of marijuana, you have a spiritual need, unpack. This is the hardest part. It's not that the dependence of marijuana, is that your mental addictiontoo high. The more we smoke more, the more the brain gets used to be high, and we want more than what state of mind. It 'is conveyed through a spiritual battle, if you stop smoking marijuana. You must prepare for battle.

Get rid of equipment

Marijuana smokers have a lot of great gadgets. You can pass all the supplies to your friends, or if you want to throw away or break them as a symbol of your desire to stop smoking marijuana. Whatever you do, clean environment, so thatthere is no trace of marijuana or cannabis-related equipment. Desire is easier to resist when there's nothing in front of you. People have some strange things to stone, including resin tube, the review of the conditions for weed crumbs and roaches and even digging in the garbage, threw the remains found. I admit that I have done all these things in the past.

Be ready for collection.

Marijuana is not ready for pickupThe number one reason that people fail to quit smoking. If you have set a quit date, it is also possible before the game, because you know when you go through withdrawal, and you will be prepared. Fear is very common in the early stages of withdrawal. For example, it is probably a time when you just finished pot and have made plans to get more, but it did not work. I am nervous and on edge until they can secure a new offer, or at least get stoned. Multiply this10 times, you have an idea of ​​what the fear is as if they were willing to leave forever. Insomnia and anorexia are also leaving in the first week together. Do your research on what is to be withdrawn so that they are mentally prepared to do if these problems occur after you quit smoking marijuana.

Stop Smoking Weed - Tips to Quit Marijuana

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